martes, 27 de abril de 2010

"Animals" second educational level

to teach the students vocabulary about animals we can use a game like a Lottery, if you want to buy it, it is not expensive or maybe you want to do it, in this kind of game the student has to be focus on the image and also his own card, in this way the student will get step by step new vocabulary, they will get it in an easy and fun way.
For example:

The alphabet in first level

In this first activity i am going to show you a good way to teach the alphabet, specially children in first educatinal level, a good way to do it is with flashcards, in this way you will show the students the correct pronunciatiion using a flashcard with each one letter of the alphabet also the cards must to have a picture of something known for the children, furthermore the alphabet cab be thougth with a song, children really enjoy sing.

for example:

Alphabet song: please to listen to the alphabet song go to this URL:


As future teachers i would say that the biggest problem that we have is the low konwledge about activities to implement in a class, also we know that according to the methos we can use several types, that's way in this blog i will upload some activities for working in a class.